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Camping at Childs Glacier Recreation Site

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Location and Access

Childs Glacier Recreation Site is located within Chugach National Forest in Alaska. It is situated along the Copper River, near the town of Cordova. The site is known for spectacular views of Childs Glacier across the river. Access to the area can be either by road via the Copper River Highway, which is sometimes subject to closures due to washouts or by boat.

Camping Facilities

As of my knowledge cut-off in early 2023, there are no formal camping facilities specifically at Childs Glacier Recreation Site since it was closed in 2011 due to bridge damage. Visitors should check the latest updates from the U.S. Forest Service or local authorities regarding any change in status. For those wishing to camp, nearby areas in Chugach National Forest might offer designated campgrounds with basic amenities such as toilets, picnic tables, fire pits, and potentially drinking water.


  • Wildlife Viewing: The area is known for the potential to see various types of wildlife, including bears, eagles, and marine mammals.
  • Glacier Viewing: Childs Glacier is an attraction in itself, with opportunities to witness calving, where chunks of ice break off and crash into the river.
  • Fishing: The Copper River is famous for its salmon runs, making it an excellent spot for fishing.
  • Hiking: There are trails in Chugach National Forest which offer hiking opportunities, but visitors should verify current trail conditions and availability.

Safety Considerations

Wildlife: Bears are active in the region, so proper food storage and bear safety precautions are a must.

Glacier Hazards: Keep a safe distance from Childs Glacier. The calving process can create dangerous waves and falling ice.

Weather Conditions: The weather in Alaska can change rapidly. Be prepared with appropriate gear and clothing to handle varying conditions, including rain, cold, and potentially even snow, depending on the season.

Environmental Protection

  • Leave No Trace: Practice Leave No Trace principles to minimize impact on the natural environment.
  • Permits and Regulations: Check if any permits are required for camping or other activities, and always follow forest regulations.

Additional Information

For the most current information:

  • Contact the local ranger district: Cordova Ranger District of the Chugach National Forest.
  • Visit the official Forest Service website: Chugach National Forest page on the USDA Forest Service website.

Make sure to do additional research or directly contact the managing authorities since conditions and regulations may change.

Location of Childs Glacier Recreation Site
Other Campgrounds in Chugach National Forest
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