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Camping at Timber Hill Park Campground

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Location and Access

Timber Hill Park Campground is located within Big Hill Lake State Park, known for its picturesque landscapes and lush greenery. Access to the campground can typically be gained by road, and it’s advised to check the latest park maps or contact the park's visitor center for specific driving directions and park entrance points.

Campground Facilities


  • Campsites: Timber Hill Park Campground usually offers a variety of campsites ranging from basic tent sites to RV sites with different hookup options, including water and electricity.
  • Restrooms: Visitors can expect to find restrooms, often with flush toilets and sometimes even showers.
  • Picnic Areas: There are likely picnic tables and fire rings or grills at each campsite for cooking and dining outdoors.


  • Trash Disposal: Campers are typically provided with designated areas for trash disposal to keep the campground clean.
  • Camp Store: Some campgrounds have a store where you can purchase basic camping supplies, food, and sometimes firewood. It's prudent to verify if Timber Hill Park has such facilities.
  • Park Rangers: Park rangers often staff campgrounds to assist with information, enforce regulations, and ensure visitor safety.

Recreational Activities

Outdoor Activities:

  • Hiking: Many state park campgrounds have trailheads leading to hiking trails suitable for various skill levels.
  • Water Recreation: If Big Hill Lake is part of the state park, there may be opportunities for boating, fishing, or swimming.
  • Wildlife Viewing: State parks are an excellent place for birdwatching and observing local wildlife in their natural habitat.

Events and Programs:

  • Ranger Programs: Check if Timber Hill Park Campground offers educational programs led by park rangers, such as guided walks, talks, or junior ranger activities.

Reservation and Fees


  • Advance Reservation: It’s often possible to reserve campsites in advance, and this can be crucial during peak seasons when campgrounds fill up quickly.
  • Walk-Up Sites: Some sites may be available on a first-come, first-served basis, but this can be risky during busy times.


  • The cost of camping usually depends on the type of campsite and amenities provided. Rates can change, so it’s best to consult the park’s official website or contact the park directly for the most current pricing.

Park Regulations

Safety Rules:

  • Wildlife: Do not feed wild animals, as this can be harmful to their health and alter natural behaviors.
  • Campfires: Follow all guidelines regarding campfires, including any burn bans or restrictions.
  • Camping Etiquette: Respect quiet hours, maintain a clean site, and be a good neighbor.

Conservation Efforts:

  • Leave No Trace: Practice Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact on the natural environment.

Contact Information and Resources

To get the most current and detailed information about Timber Hill Park Campground at Big Hill Lake State Park:

  • Park Office: Contact the park office for queries about your visit, including campground details, park hours, and activities.
  • Website: The official state park website can provide downloadable maps, online reservation systems, and additional visitor information.
  • Social Media: Many parks also share updates and information on social media platforms, which can be a timely resource for recent changes or announcements.

Keep in mind that the details provided here are general in nature. Specific information about Timber Hill Park Campground should be obtained directly from official resources to ensure accuracy, especially if you’re planning a trip.

Location of Timber Hill Park Campground
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